Signs of a pampered pooch

Signs of a pampered pooch

So, it was first day back to campus for me –after a month and some days of holiday. I guess you can say I was out of practice in dealing with people. And after watching The DUFF movie last night, I can’t help feeling like the DUFF.
But, I used to be cool with being invisible, now it’s like ‘NO!’ But regardless of that nasty fact, I sat observing people. I do mean, casually observing people, not stalking them. And one thing that stuck out to me was how some people can be such Beverley Hills’ Chihuahuas.
What do I mean by that?
Well, simple. The fact that they think they are entitled to special treatment because of
(A) who they are, (B) because of who their parents are, (C) how much of money they have –whether old money or new money.
Who the heck do you think you are to come and act superior because of some bank balance or blood in your veins? But more than that, why do you think that everyone needs to bow down and suddenly acquiesce to your demands, just because of who you are?
Like, I do not agree with that in the slightest. It doesn’t matter who you are, you need to make your own name in the world and you need to be your own person.
I cannot handle people who think the world needs to bow down to them. Simple reminder, you are not God! So, I will not be bowing down to you.
So, signs of a pampered pooch.
Number one: They literally expect everything to go their way.
Number two: They are the exception to every rule they make.
Number three: They are indecisive about nearly everything. Including something as simple as choosing a chocolate bar to eat.
Number four: They always and I mean always, get bad service –anywhere!
Number five: No matter how much of money they get from daddy, it is never enough!
Number six: In relation to the above, they never ‘have money’ but, they always have money to go shopping.
How on earth, does that even happen???
Number seven: They are always, and always, late to class without so much as an apology.
Number eight: Later than fifteen minutes to class means that they can skip the lecture.
Literally, I roll my eyes at that. Dude, wake up frikking early! Hey, if ninety percent of the class can be on time, guess what, so can you! It’s not a damn miracle.
Number nine: The amount of money spent on their education does not matter, because, hey daddy can fork out some more.
I have had some firsthand experience on this one. Education can take a back seat. Beauty sleep is more important, even when you are repeating the module.
Now that you’ve seen some of my signs of a pampered pooch and the Beverley Hills’ Chihuahua, let me know if you have any!

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